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How to merge reports?

Learn how to import tabs from different reports & save tabs as templates

Laurynas Arminas avatar
Written by Laurynas Arminas
Updated over a month ago

We fully understand that you might have several separate reports that you might want to merge. Or you might want to re-use sections of an existing report when creating a new one, to give yourself a head start.

The new capabilities should allow you to save time and effort to complete these types of tasks. You can now save tabs as templates and import them into any existing report.

Before you proceed with any of the following steps, please make sure that your report has the tabs function enabled.

Saving tab as a template:

  1. Locate and open a specific report tab which you want to save

  2. Click on the three dots next to the title of the tab and select 'Save as Team template'

  3. All of your saved tab templates can be found in the Team template gallery

Adding templates as tabs into your report:

  1. Click on the 'Add' button where the tabs are

  2. Click to add a tab 'From the template'

  3. Select the template which you wish to import and proceed by clicking the blue button

  4. Your template will now appear on the report as a separate tab

Important things to note:

  • If the template you import into your new report has multiple tabs, they will be imported separately as well.

  • The orientation of your report should also match the template you are trying to import - if not you can always adjust them and save them as new templates.

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